Thursday, February 18, 2016

Pan Pastel Colorless Blender

Robert Dutton
"The Artist" Magazine Article
The December 2015 issue of UK magazine "The Artist" 
features an excellent article by UK artist Robert Dutton. 
In the article Robert explores using PanPastel Colors 
in several directions for his work. As Robert experimented 
with PanPastel he also compiled a list of handy tips for 
using the colors, which are included in the article.

Robert says "You really do feel like you are "painting" 
with pastels when using the (Sofft) sponges." 

NYC PanPastel Workshop
with Johannes Vloothuis
Johannes Vloothuis will be teaching a two day "Discover 
PanPastel" workshop at the Pastel Society of America 
(National Arts Club) in New York City. May 28-29, 2016. 

This is a unique opportunity to learn with Johannes in person, 
in a great venue. Johannes is a master painter and a 
popular instructor for Northlight Books. He is also endorsed by The Pastel Journal. 

To register and for more information visit: 
- places are limited, so book early!
Johannes Working With PanPastel

Using The Colorless Blender
One of the most important and unique characteristics of 
PanPastel Colors is that they are dry (pastel) colors that 
can be mixed like fluid paints. In other words they "flow" 
even though they are dry. 

The Colorless Blender enhances the "flow" and extends the 
blending possibilities of PanPastel. You can create more 
transparency, while the color itself remains the same. To 
see the effects you can achieve visit:  

Monday, January 4, 2016

Art Graf Watersoluble Drawing Putty

This amazing, water-soluble, kneadable graphite is 
totally malleable!  You may use it all at one time or pull 
it into pieces, to make unique strokes. Not only is this art 
material erasable - you can rework it when dry and you 
can wet/rewet your art to make changes.